Monday, 19 March 2012

Quality Web Design to Help Increase Your Sales

 Many people assume Web Design is all about creating an attractive website. This may be true to some extent. But effective Web Design is about creating an attractive website that is user friendly, search engine friendly. There are many points that are to be considered while creating a quality website that is good looking to the eye and designed to help you make money. So, before starting designing your site consider a few factors that will help you make a decision of choosing a quality Web Design Company that can help you with creating a gain generating website.

Website Template
While templates are easy and affordable, they may be doing more harm than good. The main advantages of a template site are simplicity and affordability; however the disadvantages sometimes nullify the advantages of a template Web Design. Once you find a template you want, it is no question that there are thousands of other people with the same exact template. Having the same template as everyone else is absolutely not a good branding strategy. So it is necessary to have a custom Web Design that distinguishes you from your competitors. When you use a template site, making changes to the back end code can be difficult. So it’s important to find a good Web Design company to design your website that is easy to manage and update.

Mobile Friendly Web Design
Mobile marketing industry is growing at a rapid speed, so a mobile Web Design strategy should not be ignored. It depends on your type and objectives of your business to decide if a mobile Web Design strategy works for you. However, the number keeps increasing on how many people will be using their mobile device to access the internet. By implementing a mobile Web Design strategy while mobile Internet Marketing is still in its initial stage, you can be ahead of your competitors.

Search Engine Optimization
SEO plays an important role in creating an effective Web Design that sells. Many people are of the opinion that SEO is all about placing keywords in special locations on their websites. Placing keywords on your website is only one part of the SEO, there’s more to SEO. A good Web Design company will know basic to advanced fundamentals of creating a Search Engine friendly site. There are many obstacles that make it hard for Search Engines to crawl your website easily. A good Web Design company will know how to get rid of these barriers and create a full functioning and easy to navigate website for both search engines and human visitors. A big part of SEO is about building links, but it’s also about having a great internal linking structure to make the site easy to navigate. A great navigation strategy not only helps the Search Engines find valuable content on your web site, but it also helps your web visitors use your site with ease.

An effective Web Design strategy should include certain elements that can help your website be a success. Some of the elements of an effective Web Design strategy include easy to Manage Web Site, User Friendly, Search Engine Friendly, Designed to Increase Sales and Customized Web Design to help with branding. So, it’s cautious to contact a Web Design firm that can create a Custom Programming strategy based on your individual needs.

About 8trackweb-8 Track Web is a leading professional Web Design, Graphic &Logo Design and Web Development Company in San Diego, California with specialist Graphic Designers and Content Developers delivering creative and effective results. For more information visit our website

Friday, 9 March 2012

Points to Know for creating a quality website design

While designing a new website you may be attracted with some website design ideas that could be turned into serious errors. This is possible when your website represents your business. Here are some of the common mistakes to avoid while designing the website.

Placing too many or large sized graphics will make your site to load very slow. This makes the visitors annoyed and often times they click out of your site and will never try to return. To defeat this kind of issues save your graphics as GIF files rather than JPEG whenever possible. Also decrease your graphic actual size as much as you can without disturbing the Graphic Design

Website Hits Counter should not be visible on your site unless you have huge amount of traffic. This neither benefits your visitor nor you. Showing a visitor counter is beneficial only if you have enormous visitors and you wish to advertise the popularity of your site or would like to attract advertisers. Most web hosting sites offer web statistics that shows daily visitors, hits, referrers, etc. This feature will let you know how many people are visiting your site without the whole world viewing the information. If you are just building your site, make sure your web host offers this free service.

Limit the usage of banners to essential needs. Because for the most visitors banner is just another word for ad and they avoid clicking on them. Also banners increase the loading time of the website and are a turn-off for many surfers on the internet. If you do have a banner or two, place the banner at the very top or bottom of your page. Or you could place a small banner in your sidebar. Make sure that the banners on your site are related to your product or service. Remember, everything on your site should work together to benefit your target customer.

Provide an easy to use navigation system. This is one of the most important issues to consider when designing a website. You need to ensure your visitors can find what they are looking for easily. Most great looking websites either display their navigation bar on the left or at the top. And since most people are used to this type of navigation, it’s best to stick with it. It also helps to include your navigation bar at the bottom of each page to save your visitors from having to scroll back to the top.

When designing your site, make sure it has a flow that leads your visitor. Organizing your site to lead visitors is very essential when you are leading them to buy something. Make sure that graphics don't get in the way of your lead.

The most effective way of selling on the internet is to personalize your web site to reach your target audience. Many web sites are general and try to reach everybody. Make your Website Design as personal as possible. Present your web site in such a way that the visitor feels like he just walked into a store in his hometown. It is very essential stay focused on your target customer.
Good web design companies have professional Web Designers who create different types of design models. So choose a company that can identify your core audience effectively. They will help guide you make the right decision and offers a design that best suits your needs and requirements.

8 Track Web: 8 Track Web is a leading Web Designing Company in San Diego, offering the best and appropriate Web, Graphic & Logo Designs and SEO services at cost effective rates for all your business needs. For more information visit